The challenge:
- Find 2 real words (that should be checked using that produce 1 search result on
- They can't contain any punctuation or quotation marks.
While this challenge sounds simple, it's deceptively difficult. For some good ideas of where to start there's a list called "The Whack Stack" of Googlewhacks, although they aren't Whacks any more, because the act of putting them on a page means they will come up in a Google search result.
This means that as new Whacks are found, the number of Whacks has decreased. Dave Gorman travelled the world hunting for a chain of people who were finding Googlewhacks, and I still haven't found one. I hope this means it's become more difficult rather than the alternative explanation - I'm stupid.
A few examples of my best Googlewhack attempts:
- Kittiwake Gluons - 298 results
- Hellkite Melliferous - 422
- Sesquipedal Conflagration - 624
I started to re-use words with few hits, like "gluons". I also found that technical words generally reduced the number of pages drastically. On the other hand, ridiculous words don't help that much - so, so many pages with "sesquipedalians". The internet truly loves its irons.
I thought I'd hit upon a great result with 6 for Boson Brickabrack until I found that brickabrack, technically, isn't a word.
See if you can beat my attempts.
In case you were wondering,
has 316 results, and is a word [according to]