That Ball Game << Link
This is a surprisingly successful experiment from back when I was trying to
learn Action Script 2.0. I think i did a reasonable job of hashing together various snippets, and even came up with some of my own stuff.
learn Action Script 2.0. I think i did a reasonable job of hashing together various snippets, and even came up with some of my own stuff.
The idea is that in each level you would start with a ball in a square. You could drag the ball around anywhere within that square, and you had to throw the ball from that square to a goal block, which would be placed round some suitably challenging. This is just a prototype, and as you can see a lot of things don't work.
I had planned to include more special tiles- I managed to get sticky and bouncy tiles working. There were also going to be lots of themes, each with different dynamics like wind, low/high gravity etc. I hit a dead end with triangular/ corner tiles, and I decided my game would be really limited without them. I think there were some really simple bits of code that I needed to use but I just couldn't work it out. If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it.
Hey Simon, I was wondering if you could help me. In ICT we're doing Action Script 2.0 programming, I think, using flash, and I was wondering if you had any sort of, 'general' coding that one would use for a 2D Side-Scrolling Platform Game? xD